Sleep Clenching Inhibitor (SCi)
Teeth clenching and grinding (Bruxism) is a common issue that can result in tooth damage, migraines and neck pain. The Sleep Clenching Inhibitor (SCi) can help combat these problems...
Teeth clenching and grinding (Bruxism) is a common issue that affects up to 80% of the population. Most common in adults over 25 years old, the cause is not fully understood, though symptoms often worsen during stressful periods.
Grinding & clenching of teeth can cause many problems, including:
- Tooth wear and tooth loss
- Damage to veneers and crowns
- Earache, tinnitus and sinus pains
- Headaches & migraines
- Jaw and neck pain
- Poor sleep quality
- Excessive facial muscle tone
- Clicking or popping jaw joint
There are many ways to manage bruxism, the most common treatment being occlusal splints. There are other therapies and treatments available, but these are generally seen as less effective.
SCi Benefits
SCi - Sleep Clench Inhibitor is the most clinically effective FDA-approved treatment for TMD, bruxism, and medically diagnosed migraines. Treatment with SCi is non invasive and it is worn only at night. It works to reduce the tensing of jaw muscles and the risk of:
- Damage to your teeth
- Headaches
- Neck and jaw pains
The procedure to fit is extremely quick and simple, boasting excellent clinical results.